Friday, 7 February 2020

Top 5 Mobile Gaming Accessories To Become a Pro Player

PUBG Mobile, Fortnite and Call of Duty Mobile are the most played games in the world, lots of gaming lovers play these games on daily basis. Today we are going to know about the best gadgets for gaming, which can helps you to make your gameplay more better and fast. All these mobile gaming accessories are invented to make your gameplay more faster. These gaming accessories can makes you a best pro player and increase your reflection speed. Here are some best mobile gaming accessories to become a pro player.

Wireless gaming joystick for mobile

Best wireless mobile gamepad
Leoie Bluetooth Gamepad
This is a bluetooth gaming joystick which gives you best playing experience like gaming console. This wireless Joystick is specially designed for mobile gaming and it is very similar to PS4 and Xbox joystick. The Leoie Bluetooth gamepad comes with an attachment, where you can attach your smartphone over the joystick and enjoy console like gaming experience. The SAMEO SG27 is another best wireless Gaming Controller for mobile phones which lets you to mount your smartphone on a stand and place it anywhere you like, Leoie gamepad doesn’t provide that to you.
Best mobile gaming accessories
SAMEO SG27 Joystick

Leoie Bluetooth Gamepad - Buy Now

SAMEO SG27 wireless Joystick - Buy Now

PUBG Mobile Triggers

PUBG Mobile Triggers
RPM PUBG triggers R11
This gaming accessory sold on large scale when PUBG mobile entered in the mobile gaming market. This triggers are especially made for battle royale games like PUBG Mobile, Fortnite, Garena freefire and Call of Duty Mobile which act as an attachments that you can fix at the top of your smartphone while playing games. For using this triggers you have to customise your gaming controls position of fire buttons. By using this triggers you can able to play 6 fingers gameplay, which can definitely helps you to make your gameplay more better and faster than ever before.

PUBG Mobile gaming accessories
SpinBot X2 gaming grip and triggers combo
Mobile gaming triggers are available to purchase online from Rs 225. The high quality triggers are available from Rs 800 and above.

RPM PUBG Mobile Triggers R11 - Buy Now

SpinBot X2 gaming grip and triggers combo - Buy Now

Touch screen joystick for mobile gaming

Best mobile gaming accessories
Touch screen joystick for mobile
This is very interesting and unique gadget for mobile gaming that PUBG, Fortnite and COD players will definitely like. Players can attach this accessory on their mobile screen and it acts as a physical joystick for you unlike the console type joystick. It can provide better control on your aiming and cross hair

The best touch screen gaming joystick is 3EYEPHONE Touch Screen Game Controller Joystick which is available to purchase online for a starting price of Rs 300.

3EYEPHONE Touch Screen Game Controller Joystick - Buy Now

Must Read:

Bluetooth Mobile Gaming Keyboard

Best gaming keyboard for mobile phones
Gamesir Z1 gaming keyboard

This device is only for the professional mobile gamers, because it is not a cheap one like above. The Gamesir Z1 is the best wireless gaming keyboard for mobile phones will easily cost you around Rs 5,000 online. This wireless bluetooth keyboard also lets you to attach a mouse via type-C converter. By using this gadget you can convert your whole gaming setup into a PC-like gaming station.

The gaming keyboard is currently not available in India, but you can get good deal in the Chinese online store.

Gamesir Z1 wireless keyboard for mobile gaming - Buy Now

Gaming Earphones

Best gaming earphones
Realme wireless earphones with mic
Sound is the most important factors while playing battle royale games like PUBG Mobile, Fortnite, Garena freefire and Call of Duty Mobile and especially in close combat situations sounds play a very important role to track your enemies location. The footsteps of your opponent tells you his locations and if you not use good earphones then you can not able to hear your enemies sounds clearly. The earphones is also very important to make a conversation with your teammates and all depends on the sound quality provided by your earphones. Nowadays, the market is filled with lots of new generation earphones, at a very affordable price. So If you are looking to enhance your mobile gaming experience, then you must have to buy these earphones.

Best earphones for gaming
JBL C200SI wired earphones

Realme wireless earphones with mic - Buy Now

JBL C200SI wired earphones - Buy Now

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